回覆:神的預知 # 7212 (連福仁 means connecting to "夫人"-"John.夫人"-"蔣夫人"-"江夫人"["江.Jer.Mean" 酒店經紀 wife]-"江青") That may ex 買屋plain how come 張大帥 must have to shot all his 商務中心 women. Dare all your sucking General around the world do your duty to 票貼shoot all your own sucking wife to give all your sucking shameless cold cold hard wife the most 結婚西裝 merciful way to leave to save your own sucking people and your sucking nation. Shame on you all sucking shameless Gen 買房子erals (How dare you sucking General marry anyone, yet dare not do your sucking duty to kill that sucking one married by you. You dare not k 土地買賣ill your own sucking shameless women, then send your sucking sniper to come to Memorial Northwest Subdivision to kill me, so that I can do the duty for you to k 信用貸款ill all your sucking shameless cold cold hard female dressed animals.)  around the world. You all sucking shameless Generals around the world should all committed suicide to kill al 買屋l yourselve along with all your sucking shameless cold cold hard wives and daughters. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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