          美獲釋記者坦承入境北韓 但北韓士兵進入中國抓人 {2人被捕當時正在採訪中國境內北韓人生活的報導} {她們說:「這些士兵逮捕我們的時候,我們確實已經回 室內裝潢到中國境內。」} {如果她們說的確實是真的,北韓士兵越界的行?設計裝潢偎鴷俸[(Pyongyang)當局來說可能是個大問題。北韓仰賴中國援助,來支撐它殘破的經濟 信用貸款。} 更新日期:2009/09/02 15:48 That 濾桶 Reuters writer obviously too stupid bad ugly evil to have the honest eyes to see that China Communist Rebel can have no probl 九份民宿em to allow 北韓人在中國生活, must have no problem to see 北韓士兵越界逮捕 USA liars evil doers abusers that abuse the name of 報導 to try to 引誘中 西服國境內北韓人進入 their sucking underground chained slavery terrors forceful 圈套. China Communist and N.Korea are all Communist like brotherhood, therefore, they h 濾桶ave the liability to help each other not to fall into evilest USA lair President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton 的圈套 ; why 北韓士兵 must have to 越界逮捕 those two su 室內設計cking Chinese "Bi.Lay" that committed underground chained slavery terrors force crime slaved by US white trash Bill Clinton's ass whore Hillary Clinton? Because they're USA werewolf "現.Sin.犯" commit 燒烤ting the crime 引誘中國境內北韓人進入圈套, anyone can have right to catch the criminal at the crime scene.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 術後面膜  .

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